Australians have the largest individual carbon footprints in the world. So, PlanetArk delivers to them and everybody else online Reuters' Daily World Environment News Service, a steady ticker of wire stories covering all topics from Acid rain to Zoos. The site's organizers complement the wire reports with their own green campaigns designed to propel Oz toward a more sustainable future: so far, those campaigns have planted nearly two million trees, and recycled 550 million greeting cards and 3.5 million laser printer ink cartridges. Businesses, local governments and the public have long sought leadership to inspire action and clear up confusion. Down under, PlanetArk helps fill that vacuum, providing a model worthy of franchise elsewhere.
Sample PlanetArk post: Like any good diet you need a strategy. Our recommended strategy is to first calculate your carbon output, then set a target of how much carbon 'weight' you want to lose. There are many good carbon calculators online. A good target is 50%, as that is roughly the proportion we need to 'lose' globally to stabilize climate change."